Saturday 24 September 2011

Makes A Change Is Proud To Support the UK Association of Milk Banks (UKAMB)

UKAMB, The UK Association of Milk Banking, is the only organisation in the UK fighting for the provision of milk banks across the country, and supporting the existing milk banks that we have.

UKAMB is a tiny charity existing on donations from the public.  Without UKAMB there would be no milk banks, and without milk banks babies who would have survived and thrived, won't. Funds are desperately needed, so Makes a Change has offered to match fund donations up to a total of £1,000. 

UKAMB works with NICE to develop safe guidelines for the provision of donor breast milk, and is a repository for information about the importance of breastmilk to the health of premature and sick babies.  UKAMB is working to raise awareness of milk banking, to assist mothers who want to donate milk and to encourage hospitals to open milk banks.  Premature babies who are given formula instead of breastmilk are 5 times more likely to contract the deadly disease necrotising enterocolitis (NEC).  Together with other protective effects that breastmilk gives, premature babies who are fed breastmilk are more likely to survive and thrive.  Becoming a breastmilk donor means that you are very likely to save the life of a baby whose mother is unable to provide her own milk, perhaps due to the stress of a premature birth.  But without the milk banks we can't be breastmilk donors and we can't save those babies.
-So here's the challenge.  Will you help to ensure the survival of milk banking in the UK?  Will you help raise the desperately needed funds - and we'll double it?!

Maybe you'd consider:

- A sponsored buggy push/sling stroll
- Sponsored milk donation (eg amount per litre?)
- A cake sale
- Family fun day at your local children's centre
- A personal donation that can be gift aided?

Or something totally different?  Every penny counts so let's get fundraising and lets help milk banking!

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