Thursday 5 April 2012

An Easter hunt with a difference

We are doing an Easter hunt with a difference with our usual home ed group.  We have so many children with different dietry needs that a chocolate egg hunt would have excluded too many children, so a wise friend came up with the idea of doing some spring themed crafty things for the children to find.  The idea is that we each bring something home made and the older children can hide it in the woods for the little ones to find.

Here are our offerings - we had quite a little factory going and made 18 in total

Painted Pebble Bees
Painted Pebble Ladybirds

We collected some stones from a wonderful and tiny beach that has tons of large flat stones.  We also found many other treasures while collecting our stones, including a crab shell, a large piece of rock with lots of glittery crystals in it and also what we think is a fossilised plant. 

We then painted each stone with a base of white acrylic paint, followed by two coats of black for the ladybirds and 2 coats of yellow for the bees.  Next we used a piece of chalk to draw on the outline for the red wings for the ladybirds and all of the other details.  We then filled these in with paint - the wings also required two coats to make the red bright enough.  Finally, we added the other details.  Unfortuately my bees antennae look more like eyebrows but all in all I'm happy with  result and I think the children will enjoy them.  We plan to make some bigger ones to live in our garden. 

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